


 "Whatever we do, we want to a return.  We are traders in life.  And so, if we come to trade, we must abide by the laws of buying and selling.  In trading, there are bad times and there are good times; there are rises and falls in prices, and so we must know that blows will inevitably come.  However, these blows do not come by what we give, but by what we expect.  We get misery for our live, not because we love, but because we want love in return.   There is no misery where there is no want.  Selfish desires are the source of our misery.  These desires, bound by the laws of success and failure, inevitably must bring suffering.

The great secret of true success, then, is this:  the person who asks for no return, the penselfish person, the giving person, is the happiest and them most successful.

Learn to give what you have to give without expectation or demand, and it will come back to you multiplied.  But do not think of that as you give;  the attention must not be on that.  You have the power to give, so give, and there it ends.  Learn that the law of life is giving.  Nature will force you to give, so give willingly.  Sooner or later, you will have to give up everything you own."     - "Pathways to Joy"  by Swami Vivekananda

要は、見返りを求めない、お返しを求めない。 これだけやってあげてるのに、お礼もない、なんていう自己満足とエゴと偽善の世界で終わらない。


見返りを求めるから、期待に反されると怒りがこみあげる。  悲しくなる。 みじめになる。




もうすぐ秋分。  読書の秋です。

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